Chorus Nylander Biography and Wiki
Chorus Nylander serves as the Chief Investigative Reporter at KVOA-TV in Tucson, Arizona, where he specializes in local investigative journalism. Known for exposing significant stories and holding those in authority responsible, he has covered a wide range of topics, from government corruption to local community issues. His work has also been showcased on other leading news platforms, solidifying his reputation as a reliable investigative journalist in Arizona.
Chorus Nylander birthplace
Nylander was born in La Habra, California.
Chorus Nylander height and weight
Nylander is notably tall, standing at an impressive 7 feet (approximately 213 cm).
Chorus Nylander educational background
Unfortunately, Nylander has not yet disclosed details of his educational background. We will update you once we have this data.
Chorus Nylander’s dating life, spouse and children
He has not yet disclosed details of his dating life, spouse or children.
Chorus Nylander nationality, parents and siblings
Nylander is a native American. He has an older brother and twin younger sisters.
Chorus career
Nylander has established a distinguished career in investigative journalism. He is currently the Chief Investigative Reporter at KVOA-TV in Tucson, Arizona. Before joining KVOA-TV in November 2020, Chorus worked as an investigative reporter and anchor at WEAR-TV in Florida.
His reporting has been featured on major news outlets such as KOMO-TV in Seattle, KXAN-TV in Austin, and WBMA-TV in Birmingham. Chorus is known for his commitment to uncovering crucial stories and holding those in power accountable, covering topics ranging from government corruption to local community issues.
Chorus Nylander’s net worth and salary
He has a net worth of $1 million and generates an annual salary of $120,000.
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