Get to know Lori Jane Gliha.
Lori Jane Gliha is an award-winning investigative journalist and national correspondent for the E.W. Scripps Company. She has worked with major news outlets such as Al Jazeera America and FOX31 Denver, earning recognition with 18 regional Emmys and a national Edward R. Murrow Award. Known for her in-depth investigations and impactful interviews, she has reported on critical issues like the Flint water crisis, the Ferguson unrest, and the Fast and Furious ATF case. Gliha graduated summa cum laude from the University of Southern California with a degree in Broadcast Journalism.
Her age and birthday
Unfortunately, Lori has not yet shared details of her age or birthdate. We will update you once we have this data.
Lori Jane Gliha’s height and weight
Gliha stands at approximately 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm) tall and weighs 62 kg.
Lori Jane Gliha’s educational background
Gliha earned her Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Journalism, along with a minor in Spanish, graduating summa cum laude from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California. She was honored as the Outstanding Broadcast Journalism Undergraduate, became a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and received a Presidential Scholarship covering half of her tuition.
Lori Jane Gliha dating life, spouse and children
Gliha keeps her marital life private, thus, she has not yet shared details of her spouse or children, if any.
Lori Jane Gliha’s nationality, parents and siblings
Jane Gliha is American by nationality and a native of Ohio. She has not yet revealed her parents or siblings name.
Lori Jane Gliha’s career and TV stations
Jane Gliha has built a remarkable career in journalism, having worked for several prestigious television stations. She began her journey at WILX-TV in Lansing, Michigan, before moving on to WNEM-TV in Saginaw/Flint, where she served as a general assignment reporter and fill-in anchor. Her next position took her to ABC15 in Phoenix, Arizona, where she excelled as an investigative reporter and solo weekend evening anchor.
Currently, Lori Jane is an investigative correspondent for Rocky Mountain PBS in Denver, Colorado. Throughout her career, she has tackled critical issues, including the Flint water crisis and the unrest in Ferguson, while serving as a national correspondent for Al Jazeera America’s flagship news magazine show, America Tonight. Her work has been recognized with numerous accolades, including 18 regional Emmys and a national Edward R. Murrow Award.
Lori Jane Gliha’s net worth and salary
She has a net worth of $500,000 and generates an annual salary of $108,000.
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